1149 North Vine Street
P.O. Box 286 Arthur, IL 61911


Certified USDA Organic Corn Hybrids

Certified USDA Organic Corn Hybrid Seed Varieties

This seed was not produced from genetically modified inbreds and was carefully grown and handled to
maintain genetic purity and to prevent contamination. Only Certified USDA Organic Corn Hybrids will be
sold under the American Organic logo.

AM 2468 - 108 Days

  • Very good grain quality and
    test weight
  • A dual-purpose hybrid
  • Outstanding agronomic package
  • Does best at higher populations

AM 2845 – 114 Days

  • Outstanding top-end yields
  • Flex ears with 18-20 kernel rows
  • Great plant health and
    stress tolerance
  • Robust, full-canopied hybrid