1149 North Vine Street
P.O. Box 286 Arthur, IL 61911



KSC Alfalfa

After several years of university and on-farm testing, Kitchen Seed Company is proud to offer five premium alfalfa varieties.  We have carefully selected these genetics for their top of the line traits and high yield potential.  Our products exhibit excellent fall dormancy, hardy winter survival ratings, and resistant to highly resistant disease packages.  With our ability to meticulously examine various varieties, we believe the varieties we have available offer excellent, quick regrow and the best overall quality and tonnage.

KSC Extender IV Alfalfa

  • Resistant to Sclerotinia crown and stem rot
  • Perfect 30 out of 30 on the Wisconsin Disease index
  • Excellent hay yield and wide adaptability
  • Newer genetics and higher yield potential than KSC Extender III Alfalfa

KSC EXTENDER IV is a new improved version of KSC Extender III Alfalfa. This productive variety is highly resistant to all major disease pests and offers resistance to Sclerotinia crown and stem rot. KSC EXTENDER IV also is resistant to Pea Aphid and Stem Nematode and displays excellent tolerance to Lepto Leaf Spot and Spring Black Stem. Adapted for hay, haylage, or grazing purposes, KSC EXTENDER IV delivers consistent performance under a wide range of climatic and soil conditions. Characteristics include superior establishment, excellent persistence, fast recovery after cutting and exceptional winter hardiness.


  • Very high resistance to potato leafhoppers
  • Superior yield potential
  • Excellent forage with increased palatability
  • High resistance to Aphanomyces Race 2
  • A widely adapted glandular haired conventional alfalfa variety
  • 4.0 fall dormancy
  • 2.0 (Very Good) winter survival
  • Tap root type
  • Very fast recovery after cutting

FSG 421LH alfalfa is Farm Science Genetics latest conventional potato leafhopper resistant variety.  With very high leafhopper resistance, a Wisconsin disease index rating of  35/35 and a fall dormancy of 4, FSG 421LH is at the top when it comes to performance, adaptability and pest resistance.  FSG 421LH tolerates a wide range of environmental and soil conditions with characteristics such as high resistance to Aphanomyces Race 2, excellent persistence, fast recovery after cutting and high relative feed quality in sprayed or unsprayed conditions.  FSG 421LH is the perfect choice for areas where potato leafhoppers cause economic damage year after year.

FSG 527 Premium Alfalfa

  • Great forage yield potential
  • Superb forage quality
  • High multifoliate leaf expression
  • Very fast recovery after cutting
  • Excellent winterhardiness and persistence
  • Perfect 30 out of 30 on the Wisconsin Disease Rating Index

FSG 524 Premium alfalfa is at the top of its class with a  superior combination of winterhardiness, very fast recovery after cutting, high multifoliate leaf expression for improved forage quality and great forage yield potential. FSG 524 Premium alfalfa is ideal for the commercial hay grower or dairy producer using an intensive cutting management schedule or for those on a less intensive 3 cut management schedule. FSG 524 Premium alfalfa is adapted to all areas where fall dormancy 4 and 5 varieties are planted.

FSG 438 RR Alfalfa

  • Roundup Ready Alfalfa
  • High resistance to Aphanomyces Race 2
  • Unsurpassed weed control
  • Great forage yield potential
  • Superior forage potential
  • High multi-foliate leaf expression
  • Excellent winterhardiness and persistence disease/insect/nematode ratings
  • 4.0 fall dormancy
  • 2.0 (Very Good) winter survival
  • Very fast recovery after cutting

438RR alfalfa lets you produce cleaner, higher quality alfalfa for greater profit potential.  The simplicity and improved crop safety of using one herbicide with the widest window of application available enables you to be in control instead of Mother Nature.  438RR alfalfa performs well over a wide range of environmental conditions and is adapted to all areas where 3,4, and 5 fall dormancy varieties are planted.  With high resistance to Aphanomyces Race 2, 438RR alfalfa features a Wisconsin disease index rating of 35/35 and is also resistant to stem nematodes.  Whether it’s for great forage yields, superior forage quality or very fast recovery after cutting, 438RR is the choice for commercial hay, beef, and dairy producers who want to take advantage of Roundup Ready Alfalfa technology.

FSG 450 Alfalfa ULTRA-CUT

  • high resistance to multiple races of Aphanomyces
  • high resistance to multiple races of Anthracnose
  • exceptional forage yield potential
  • superior forage quality
  • unmatched winter hardiness and persistence
  • high multifoliate leaf expression


FSG 450 alfalfa is the leader in alfalfa performance with an outstanding trait package that raises the agronomic achievement bar to the next level. FSG 450 performs well over a wide range of environmental conditions and is adapted to all areas where 3 and 4 fall dormancy varieties are planted. FSG 450 features the UltraCut alfalfa disease package which helps you grow a healthy alfalfa crop in field conditions susceptible to evolving Aphanomyces and Anthracnose disease strains. Its protection can help deliver an advantage through improved agronomic performance and yield potential. Whether its for exceptional forage yields, superior forage quality or very fast recovery after cutting, FSG 450 is the first choice for commercial hay, beef and dairy producers.

FSG 441 HVXRR UC alfalfa

  • Superior UltraCutTM disease package
  • High resistance to multiple races of Aphanomyces and Anthracnose
  • Unsurpassed weed control
  • Exceptional forage yield potential
  • Superior forage quality
  • Unmatched winterhardiness and persistence

441 HVXRR UC alfalfa features the UltraCutTM disease package that helps you grow a healthy alfalfa crop in field conditions susceptible to evolving Aphanomyces and Anthracnose disease strains. This protection delivers an advantage through improved agronomic performance and yield potential. 441 HVXRR UC combines HarvXtra® with Roundup Ready® Alfalfa technology allowing the flexibility in a cutting schedule to achieve improved forage quality or greater forage yield potential. The HarvXtra® technology has 12-15% less lignin, 12-15% higher neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD) and 12- 15% higher relative forage quality (RFQ) than conventional alfalfa harvested at the same maturity. 441 HVXRR UC has the technology and disease package to elevate your alfalfa production to the next level.