Kitchen Seed Company offers a full lineup of soybean varieties suited to meet your trait and maturity needs. We offer the highest yielding soybean technology available on the market. Our soybeans are available in trait packages including Conventional/Non-GMO, Enlist E3®, and Round Up Ready 2 XtendFlex®. All varieties are offered plain or with seed treatment applied.
Currently, KSC offers three seed treatment options: KSC Trikote (base fungicide), KSC Trikote Poncho®/VOTiVO® (fungicide and insecticide), and KSC Trikote Poncho®/VOTiVO®with ILeVO® (fungicide, insecticide, and an SDS control). Alongside our superior trait and seed applied treatments, we offer 100% replant on all treated seed. The customer can rely on our efficient germination and top of the line quality because we rigorously test our seed for quality that meets US Federal Seed Act requirements, meticulously test our seed to make sure they are free of seed-borne diseases, and thoroughly store and condition our seeds.